According to the recent study by Centre for Patient Safety, USA, up to thousands of people die in hospitals due to lack of information about their medical history and the annual number of such cases have increased in last few decades.
As a measure to such cases, the joint medical commission urges individuals and their families to become more indulgent towards the health care of their family members. Recent medical inventions have seen an introduction of a device which can store all your medical history, including your profile dictating your allergies or medications that you can rely on. Hence, individuals in any medical emergency can help provide acknowledgment about their medical health with the device they are wearing.
Medical IDs for Patient Safety-
Medical ID bracelets and pendants are recognized as devices that can provide an individual or medical expert knowledge about the medical health, in an emergency. It is a quick way to ensure your safety during a medical emergency. Nowadays, emergency responders or professionals are trained to explore such medical identity cards on the patient's body so that the diagnosis could be accurate and proper care can be provided.
Few common reasons you can use or buy a medical ID for include cardiac conditions, Epilepsy, Allergies, Diabetes and certain other medical conditions or issues like blood thinners.
Some medical conditions can be life-threatening. Having crucial medical info at hand can help save lives. The profile would help identify the patient, ensure the loved ones can reach the patient at the earliest and also ensure the medical professional get valuable data of the patient to help treat him/ her.
To Know More Visit: MyICETag
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